[Updated 11-2-09]
Kovorix's receives his adaptive armor but he quickly changes his appearance to the more heavily armored Kotrok (picture) to keep his true identity a secret
Part 3
From the Records of Artahka:
Helryx and I have made the decision to send Kovorix with Helryx into the war against the Zyglak. I have developed my Kanoka disks to perfection and have given a specific disk and instructions for reproduction to a matoran in each of the Metru of Metru Nui by means of other matoran. They have not been warned about the threat of Zyglak, but they will be making many Kanoka, I am sure of it (For my own reasons).
Kovorix will gain a lot of experience in this war, if he survives, which I am sure he is capable of doing. I have been experimenting with Kanoka disks on protosteel and most of their effects do work. I have a new project that I am calling adaptive armor. Right now, I am going to give a prototype to Kovorix that will change his form so he can keep his existence secret. I have also added several Concealment Kanoka to the constitution of the armor, giving Kovorix the option to turn invisible at will, until the disks’ power wears out after substantial use. My elemental power-amplifying frost blades are quite an invention and I will also give those to Kovorix. He will need all of the elemental power he can.
Kovorix came out next morning to be told by Bratik that Helryx was waiting for him on the shore.
“I hope she’s not leaving because I did not do well enough yesterday”
When he got to the shore, Helryx was already in a boat.
“I am leaving the Island, but so are you” Helryx said. “You must visit Artahka right now. He has a few items to give to you.”
Kovorix went to the great hall of Artahka.
”Welcome. The time has come for you to leave the island, but you will return when Helryx chooses. I have a few of my inventions to give to you”
”Welcome. The time has come for you to leave the island, but you will return when Helryx chooses. I have a few of my inventions to give to you”
Artahka gave Kovorix concealment adaptive armor, in its prototype form; as well as two frost blades.
“These frost blades will amplify your ice power. This adaptive armor has embedded Concealment Kanoka in your armor. You may turn invisible for a substantial period of time before the disks need to be replaced. This armor not the one you will eventually have, so this version will morph your form into that of another Toa of Ice.” Artahka explained. “I also have noticed your interest in projectile launching weapons when you secretly go out and use some of the blasters that are here. Here is an Artahkan Cordak Blaster. I have used the original design of the blaster and added fragments of Ga-metru and Ko-Metru Regeneration disks into the missiles. This causes the missiles to hone in on your target as well as regenerate inside your blaster, so that you will not easily run out of missiles unless you get trigger happy.”
“Thank you very much Great Artahka” Kovorix replied. “I will use these well”
“One more thing Kovorix” Artahka said. “Your name off this island to anyone that asks is Konvak”
Kovorix and Helryx left the island by mid-afternoon. Helryx was always watching the horizon for Zyglak ships. She hoped to catch a small band of ships on the water so that she could sink their ships with her elemental power.
“We are going into a battle with very powerful beings. The Zyglak are deadly, but is is much easier to kill them as than it is to dodge their attacks.” Helryx instructed. As the ship was drawing close to the first destination, she said “You must now change your form to Konvak”
Kovorix activated his armor and felt it morphing around him. He looked at the water to try and glimpse a reflection of himself, but it was too wavy. He picked up one of his frost blades and, using the slightest fraction of his power, froze a larger amount of water than he expected. He looked at himself and saw that he was truly nothing like what he had looked like before except for his Matatu. He also knew that he would have to get used to the amplification of his power and not use more than what was necessary. It was nearly double the elemental power that he had before.
Helryx’s ship arrived under the cover of dark. She met a dark figure on the shore. Makuta Krika talked to her in hushed tones. Kovorix listened as he exited the ship.
“The Zyglak are all around the island. The island is almost overrun with them. Our Rahkshi and about 30 toa are holding a hill on the eastern shore there are skirmishes that happen often in other places, but so far, the Zyglak have not mounted an attack on the hill. The two Toa of Stone have been building barriers and walls and by now, the hill is heavily fortified.” Krika informed
“Do you have any Toa of Earth?” Helryx asked
“You must have them monitor the ground for signs that the Zyglak will tunnel in.” Helryx instructed.
“Yes that is wise” Krika replied.
As Kovorix listened, he detected movement in the trees along the shore. Further inspection with the telescopic eye in his mask revealed a horrific-looking creature and many more behind it.
“Those must be Zyglak” Kovorix thought to himself…to be continued