Monday, October 19, 2009

The Chronicles of Toa Kovorix: Part 2

part 2. Be sure to read part 1 first if you haven't
[Updated 11-2-09]
I have updated pictures of Kovorix in his form before he received his adaptive armor from Artahka.

Part 2
From the Records of Artahka:

Kovorix has continued to develop his ice power and his blade handling for a year before a toa has finally come to train him. Helryx has finally organized the Order of Mata Nui and saw it fit to give her time to train Kovorix in the way of a warrior. Kovorix feels honored to train with Helryx. As the first Toa that ever came to be, she is the most experienced, and is one of the wisest. She is also the one who gave him the chance to be a toa by creating a toa stone with her own toa power. Perhaps this was why Helryx decided to train him: she felt responsible for him. Kovorix has been ready for a while. Bratik is a skilled warrior, but in terms of attributes, there is only so much even a highly skilled matoran could teach a Toa. Helryx is far beyond Bratik in her experience as a warrior, her wisdom, and her weapons mastery, So Kovorix will have to step up his efforts to get the full amount of training he can get out of her to become the warrior he is capable of being…

Kovorix could not believe his ears. Helryx, the greatest of all toa, was going to come and train him! He was very excited, but he was still mindful of Bratik. The matoran had taught him far beyond anything he could’ve imagined a matoran could have.
“And I thought I was a great warrior as a matoran” Kovorix remembered saying to himself. Kovorix’s skills had dramatically increased, but his ice power had not increased that much. He knew that would undoubtedly change when Helryx came.

Helryx was definitely having delays getting to the island. Two armies of Zyglak were wreaking havoc on different islands, making their way towards Metru Nui in each battle. Helryx began to send some of the Order of Mata Nui members out to notify other toa and join ranks with them to intercept the Zyglak at the next Island: Stelt. Then she got into a boat and journeyed to Artahka. Kovorix was waiting for her on the shoreline.
”Hello Kovorix, how long have you been waiting?” Helryx asked.

“Not for longer than I needed too” He replied. “I feel honored that you would take your time to come and instruct me”
”Kovorix, you were made to be a warrior. I am honored to pour my time into you so that you can become a great warrior. Your time here on Artahka will end when you are fully needed to fight for Mata Nui. Your existence is secret. Everyone thinks you are dead that has ever heard your name except for the inhabitants of Artahka and me. Not even any other member of the Order of Mata Nui, the order I have founded, knows of your existence. This is one of your greatest advantages and you must keep it that way until the time is right”

Kovorix and Helryx trained for a few days. Helryx taught Kovorix the art of using his elemental powers. Artahka’s power to change the island’s elements was used to create different terrain and different environments for the training. Kovorix’s control over his element increased dramatically, but still, it was slow at the same time.
”It is nearly impossible to gain more control over your element rapidly, so don’t be discouraged” Helryx told Kovorix

“I will not be discouraged any time soon, I have not felt half this control over my element that I have now.
“After this rapid growth in your control that you have gained from the tips I have given you, the going will be slow in your growth in control”
“I understand.” Kovorix replied.
His control over his mask power increased as well. Helryx worked with him to keep concentration for long periods of time.

After a few weeks, Artahka gave Kovorix four Maxilos Robots to train with. The robots were closely watched by one of the Artahkan matoran who had a shutoff switch in case the robots were about to be damaged beyond repair or about to kill Kovorix. Helryx looked on as Kovorix began. Two maxilos robots closed in on Kovorix while the others kept cover for them. Kovorix knew that he could at least freeze two robots, but probably would not be able to use his ice over three or four. Kovorix mainly was dodging the swipes of the black fire swords. Then he parried one slash from one maxilos, and struck the head of the other, The head sparked, but the maxilos was not defeated. The other two maxilos’s came into the battle. Kovorix dodged two vertical arcs from the newcomers’ blades and then flash-froze one of them. He then used his Matatu to slam one of the Maxilos’s into another. While the two were recovering, Kovorix leaped into the air and came down, planting his blades into one of them. The Maxilos was incapacitated and Kovorix focused on the one recovering from his fall. Then Kovorix felt a crushing blow on his back. He turned around, just in time to barely evade another slash from the Maxilos that had not been attacked. Helryx called out, and both of the Maxilos’s froze.
“You must be constantly aware of all of your enemies. Keep your concentration open, and do not focus on just one enemy. You must learn this, for it will save your life many times.”
Kovorix was still in pain, but he grinned and prepared himself. The Maxilos’s were reactivated and they began to advance on the injured Toa. Kovorix was a bit hazy because of the pain, but, he used his Matatu to enhance his jump. He froze the swords of both Maxilos robots. As his ice began to melt off, He landed a devastating blow to the gap in between the armor of one Maxilos, incapacitating it, and then finished freezing the other.

“Good, but you will need more work in your actual combat.” Helryx said. “You can train your blade-handling, mask power, and elemental power, but combat experience is even more valuable. I am processing the options of how I can improve that.”
to be continued....


  1. cool! Kovorik is surely a very intresting charcacter.

  2. he's going to get alot more interesting. trust me....
