Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Chronicles of Toa Kovorix: Part 1

Here is part 1. The whole story starts off a little slow, but will pick up in pace when the fighting starts. please note that I still need to find a form for Kovorix. The pictures I have of him are after he has been fully upgraded with adaptive armor.

[Updated 11-2-09]
I have updated pictures of Kovorix in his form before he received his adaptive armor from Artahka.

part 2 is coming soon

Part 1
From the records of Artahka:

I have been in communication with Helryx. Since the disbanding of The Hand of Artahka, an order of powerful warriors that were protecting the Matoran Universe, perhaps too harshly, and thus, the order was disbanded. She has been working to create a new, but this time secret order, to take the place of the former. Meanwhile, I have been working on some of my creations. It has come to my attention, that Kanoka disks are quite useful. I have been experimenting with combining these disks. Protodermis is truly amazing in all of its forms. Purified protodermis makes disks with different powers based on the slight changes in the properties of the protodermis. This is revolutionary and I have begun to experiment with its effects on different substances. When I have fully developed the process of making Kanoka, I will secretly release the information to the city of Metru Nui to improve the matoran’s lives.

Helryx will be sending a newly created Toa to me to train here and be a guardian for this island until he has become a great warrior. I do not yet know his name, but Helryx tells me of his diligence and his wisdom as well as his ferocity as a warrior, even as a matoran. She used some of her own toa power to create him. This Toa of ice will receive some of my latest creations: Frost Blades. They will amplify his ice power, but I will not give the weapons to him until he has disciplined his own ice power beyond one of an average toa. What a wonder these toa are. They have courage like no other being in this universe and their power over their elements is much like that of the Element Lords on Spherus Magna. I do not miss Spherus Magna at all. My home here in the Matoran Universe is quite satisfying to me. This new toa though, I will pour knowledge into if he will accept it….

Toa Kovorix stood on the beach of his new home. The Island of Artahka was beyond anything he had ever dreamed of seeing in his home, yet he missed Mazeka.
That reckless matoran has a warrior’s destiny, I know it” Kovorix thought. It just doesn’t seem right for me to become a toa when he was not chosen to become one at the same time with me. Perhaps one day…”
Kovorix’s thoughts were interrupted when a matoran greeted him.
“Welcome, Toa, to the island of Artahka, where you will be living the rest of your life unless the great Artahka decides otherwise.” The matoran said.
“I am pleased to be here. I consider myself fortunate” Kovorix replied
“Come with me” The matoran instructed.

Kovorix found himself in a great hall. As he was looking around, he heard a fatherly voice speak.
“Welcome. No doubt my personal assistant matoran has told you that this will be your new home until I see it necessary for you to leave. You are to train here and become a great Toa. I trust you will enjoy it. Now, Helryx did not tell me your name.”
Great Artahka, My name is Kovorix and I am honored to be here. Thank you for seeing it fit that I should be here at all.” Kovorix replied
“Again, you are welcome here Kovorix. If there is anything you think is necessary, talk to Bratik, the matoran who greeted you and will be with you often.” Artahka stated. “Your training will begin tomorrow.”

Bratik greeted him as Kovorix walked from his chamber the next morning.
“Come this way Kovorix. Artahka is waiting.”
The long corridor ended at a big door. Kovorix and Bratik walked outside Artahka was waiting for them in a court.
“Here are your weapons.” Artahka gave Kovorix two magnificent onyx colored warblades. “Use them well.” He instructed and then he left.
Bratik explained that Artahka had developed a metal called protosteel, a very strong and very destructive metal when used to strike an object. These blades were cast with protosteel and another prototype metal that in color was black as night. Kovorix had never seen such a magnificent weapon, but then again, everything was magnificent here on Artahka. He liked the feel of the blade quite a bit. At this point, Kovorix had handled many weapons and started to go through different parry and strike drills. Bratik watched him closely and commented on his mistakes and what he was doing.
“Soon you will be trained by a real Toa, though I am not sure when” Bratik explained.
Kovorix kept practicing.
“What is your story?” Kovorix asked after a while
“Well, the short story is that I was once a matoran on Metru Nui and I was in the elite guard before the idea of robotic protectors was instituted. My devotion to excellence brought me to the attention of the Turaga and I was sent here. I have since continued to work on my warrior side as well as intellectual side. I participated in some battles against many rahi and also some skakdi, where I almost lost my life”
“Interesting, I fought many rahi protecting my village, but I know it would have been very dangerous to fight a Skakdi as a matoran.” 

"Bratik is a far more courageous and skilled matoran than I was” Kovorix thought. "I still wonder why I was chosen above others that were far more qualified"
to be continued....


  1. you like to create a lot of blogs and all of them are cool! the story is very good.

  2. thanx. yes, I could put everything on one blog, but it gets very messy. I like having alot of different blogs for stories so that the whole story is not on the one blog but it is a link.
